We offer Comprehensive and Affordable Testing in Rochester, Twin Cities & Online for Adults and Children

In our more than 70 years of helping students, children and adults, we have developed comprehensive methods to identify and respond to dyslexia. An educational evaluation from The Reading Center builds self-confidence, stops self-blaming for reading failures, and provides information to determine intervention strategies.

Testing is offered in Rochester, Woodbury, and online.

We use a battery of language skills assessments to measure abilities in phonological processing, reading, spelling, writing, auditory processing, vocabulary. Our evaluations provide a clear and objective blueprint of a student's abilities and needs.

Testing FAQs


We offer comprehensive testing for children in the middle of first grade (age 7) through adults.

We offer FREE screenings for children age 4-6. This screening is not diagnostic for dyslexia, but they can help determine if a child is at risk of reading problems.


The Reading Center offers educational evaluations focused on assessing the individual's issues with language based learning disabilities - the most common of which is dyslexia. We are not a medical provider so we cannot provide a medical diagnosis of dyslexia. We can make a determination of dyslexia which is based upon interviews with the parents and child, testing results from a full battery of standardized tests, reviews of previous testing, and observations of the student during the evaluation.

We do not offer comprehensive IQ testing which is the core difference in what our testing offers vs. a medical diagnosis of dyslexia. Some families who wish to have testing done with us, opt to have IQ testing done with another provider (i.e. Bluestem, Mayo Clinic, etc.) when combined with Reading Center testing equates to a medical diagnosis of dyslexia.

An Educational Evaluation by The Reading Center helps your child build self-understanding, stop the self-blaming for learning failure, and provide information to develop educational strategies.


Generally, no. Though you can certainly contact your insurance company to determine whether education testing from any provider would be covered.


Yes! Because we are a nonprofit, we strive to keep our costs as low as possible for testing, tutoring and classes. We think you will find that our cost for assessments is much lower than other providers. We also offer several levels of testing to help keep costs low. Our generous supporters help us raise funds to cover the cost of testing and tutoring for families that are struggling to afford help. We do not want to turn anyone away from receiving the help their child needs so we invite you to apply for a scholarship if costs are an issue. Scholarship awards are considered on a case by case basis based on need. We are able to offer partial scholarships only.

View our scholarship page here for details on how to apply.


Assessment results are summarized in a lengthy report that includes history, testing information and recommendations for teachers and parents. The report can be copied and used in whatever way the parent or client wishes. This document may be used to request an accommodations plan (504) or begin the procsess to request special educational services (IEP) at school. The written report begins a paper trail to document a student's weaknesses and needs so progress can objectively be tracked over time. Many clients have found the written report to be very useful in situations in school or on the job. The written report will be a tool that families refer to many times over the years.

The Abbreviated Educational Evaluation will fulfill your needs when you want your student tutored by The Readings Center or you want to get more information about why your child is having difficulty reading. This could be used as an economical first step to determine why your child is having difficulty learning to read, and to also determine if Orton-Gillingham tutoring is a good first step; but, you will not receive a written report to review or to share with others in the future.


Yes. If you wish to enroll your child in our 1:1 tutoring program, any of the educational testing we offer (except for the free Reading Readiness screening for 4-6 year olds) will qualify.


If you wish to have your child gain accommodations in a public school setting, our educational testing may help get a 504 plan set up. A 504 plan outlines the types of accommodations recommended (i.e. extended time on tests, etc.). With documented use by your student, a 504 plan makes it easier to establish a case for accommodations on the ACT or other standardized tests. For children who are older, our Director of Testing recommends to parents that they have testing (or retesting) done in 10th grade. This is for two reasons: 1) it is soon enough to get school accommodations in place for the ACT; and 2) it will carry into college - colleges will want testing done within 3 years.



To register for an evaluation you will need to talk with a Program Navigator. You can fill out our online request form by clicking on button below or Call our Office Administrator at 507-288-5271 to be put in contact with a Program Navigator. (There is no fee involved in talking with a Navigator. They will be able to help determine if and what kind of evaluation at The Reading Center is a good fit for you or your child.)


Full Educational Evaluation

$1,175 (with written report)

The Full Educational Evaluation provides comprehensive testing, review of previous testing information, an extended conference with the evaluator, and a written report for students. This evaluation is appropriate for students from the middle of first grade (age 7+) through adults. The written report is a valuable tool that can be used for working with schools or employers for seeking accommodations or extra support. Families also find it valuable for future referencing and documentation.

Full testing is 4-5 hours. Conference is up to 2 hours.

Abbreviated Educational Evaluation

$577 (no written report)

The Abbreviated Educational Evaluation will provide information to determine if the Orton-Gillingham approach is likely to be useful in helping the student.  For those who go on to enroll in tutoring at The Reading Center, the information collected is very useful for the tutor to be effective and efficient.  The family will have an opportunity to discuss findings with the tester; however, no written report or documentation beyond the test score profile will be provided for the family.

Testing is 3-4 hours and Conference is 1.5 hours

Reading Skills Assessment

$468 (no written report)

This level of testing is for clients who have had a recent evaluation (less than 1 year old) from a medical center, independent evaluator, or school. The Director of Testing will need to approve qualifying reports before a client may register for this level of Reading Center testing. There is no written report generated with this assessment. Clients should consider this when they know that they simply want to go into tutoring. This assessment gives the Academic Language Therapist information about where to start with language therapy and provides a baseline for future rechecks. The conference offers a chance for the client/parents to review the tests administered, understand The Reading Center’s approach to language therapy, and answer questions about what they can expect from tutoring.

Testing is 1.5-2 hours and Conference is 1 hour

Reading Readiness Assessment

FREE for ages 4-6

The Reading Readiness Assessment is for emergent readers' ages 4 years to middle of first grade. Although these age appropriate, brief tests are not diagnostic for dyslexia, these standardized assessments can help determine whether a child is "at risk" of reading problems.

No deposit is required for the free Reading Readiness screening.

Please note: Reading Readiness Assessments are only offered in-person.

Testing and Conference are both 30 minutes each