Literacy/Dyslexia Coalition

Since 2018, The Reading Center has worked with a coalition of like-minded organizations in Minnesota to influence public policy decisions at the state legislature.

Coalition Members


Celebrate, dyslexia and literacy advocates! Historic Reading Legislation Passed in Minnesota!!

The READ Act was signed into law by Governor Walz on May 24, 2023.

What is in the READ Act?

  • New state literacy goal: have every child reading at grade level, every year from K-12

  • Mandated teacher training in Science of Reading - courses approved by MN Department of Education (MDE)

  • Mandated screening and progress monitoring - tool approved by MDE

  • Districts must use evidence-based curriculum

  • Money available to districts to purchase evidence-based curriculum from approved MDE list

Prior Legislative victories

2021 Legislative WINS

The state of Minnesota approved a $3 million grant to the Minnesota Department of Education to fund teacher training in the LETRS program (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling).

We supported this comprehensive teacher professional development course because it gives educators a good grounding in the science of reading and emphasizes the importance of structured, systematic, explicit reading instruction. There are dyslexic and struggling readers in every classroom in Minnesota. The tools learned through this training are invaluable to all educators in Minnesota.


  1. Mandatory dyslexia screening (PASSED!)

  2. Higher Education / Teacher Training requirements to include dyslexia (PASSED!)

(September 30, 2019) Dyslexia Coalition Panel Discussion on Facebook Live.VIEW VIDEO HERE

(September 30, 2019) Dyslexia Coalition Panel Discussion on Facebook Live.


(September 25, 2019) Webinar with Minnesota Department of Education Dyslexia Specialist Dr. Amy Schulting discussing the 2019 legislation and structured literacy.VIEW ONE HOUR WEBINAR HERE

(September 25, 2019) Webinar with Minnesota Department of Education Dyslexia Specialist Dr. Amy Schulting discussing the 2019 legislation and structured literacy.


2500+ petitions shared with legislative leaders

2500+ petitions shared with legislative leaders

Director of Reading Readiness Jan Hagedorn testifying before the Education Conference Committee on May 16, 2019

Director of Reading Readiness Jan Hagedorn testifying before the Education Conference Committee on May 16, 2019

2019 Dyslexia Day on the Hill Rally in St Paul

2019 Dyslexia Day on the Hill Rally in St Paul

Senate E-12 Committee, January 28, 2019

Senate E-12 Committee, January 28, 2019

Senate E-12 Committee, February 6, 2019 hearing on universal screening bill with Reading Center alum Nick Keller, Executive Director Cindy Russell, and Decoding Dyslexia Minnesota chair Rachel Berger.

Senate E-12 Committee, February 6, 2019 hearing on universal screening bill with Reading Center alum Nick Keller, Executive Director Cindy Russell, and Decoding Dyslexia Minnesota chair Rachel Berger.

May 6, 2019 Press Conference urging support for dyslexia bills

May 6, 2019 Press Conference urging support for dyslexia bills