Screening Tool for Dyslexia
This SCREEN is not a diagnosis; however, if the answer to several of these questions is ‘yes,’ consider a complete Educational Evaluation. If you have any questions, please contact us at or 507-288-5271.
1. Does your child have confusions of similar letter forms, such as b/d; f/j/t; m/w?
2. Does your child write numbers incorrectly or have trouble sequencing numbers such as phone numbers, (947 for 749)?
3. Does your child confuse similar language sounds (f/v/th; p/b; short vowel sounds) or words that sound similar (salary/celery; mailing/nailing; sit/set; skip/skit)?
4. Does your child mispronounce words (Octover; passghetti; alunimun)?
5. Does your child have difficulty thinking or talking when there is background noise?
6. Does your child have difficulty remembering a set of three or more directions?
7. Does another family member struggle with reading or spelling?
8. Does your child have a lack of interest in reading or being read to?
9. Does your child show an unexpected degree of anxiety when having to work under pressure (time limits, being tired, or being observed)?
10. Does your child have unexpected difficulty with rote memorization (spelling words, history dates, math facts…)?