Other Resources

NEW: Reporter Emily Hanford has a new series on American Public Media called “Sold a Story”. Her work is unmatched in helping move the dial toward understanding the science of reading and understanding why schools struggle to embrace it.

More Articles from Emily Hanford available here

International Dyslexia Association

Check out their electronic library of resources here.

College Bound Students

Elizabeth Hamblet’s website has great resources for transitioning to college with a learning disability.

List of Post-Secondary Scholarship Opportunities & Technology Resources for students with learning disabilities.


Dyslexia in the News

Videos About Dyslexia/Learning Disabilities

Jan Hagedorn, Director of Reading Readiness

Can you really tell if a child is at risk for having learning issues? Didn't they test for that in the kindergarten screen? Parents often are the first to suspect their child is having trouble learning the skills that will help them be successful readers.

What is Dyslexia? Ted Talk by Kelli Sandman-Hurley

“How Difficult Can This Be?” Richard Lavoie

Other Organizations