Reading Readiness Program

For 4-6 year olds

What are some signs of a learning disability? 

Free Screenings for 4-6 year olds


Early identification is key. We offer simple assessments designed for 4-6 years of age to find areas of strength and weakness. We cannot "diagnose" a learning disability at this age, but we can determine if child is "at risk" using standardized, norm-referenced assessments.

Following the short screening, our staff will meet with parents to answer questions and go over results. Note: Screenings are conducted in-person.

Reading Club - parent/child class

We offer Reading Club throughout the year and during our summer Best of Basics program in July.

Parent and child duo having fun exploring the alphabet during our summer Best of Basics Reading Club.

Free Screenings

If you are interested in Reading Club, please sign up for a free reading screening. (All children participating in Reading Club must complete a screening before entering the class.)

2025 Classes

The Spring Reading Club classes dates are:

  • Every Thursday from March 20th through May 15th (no class on April 3rd) at the Rochester location.

The Summer Reading Club classes dates are:

  • July 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, & 17 from 10-11 also at the Rochester Location.

Register by clicking the link below.

What is Reading Club?

Reading Club is a parent/child class that works on the foundational skills of reading in a fun environment. Parent/child teams participate together in activities to strengthen the fundamental skills that scientific research has shown are foundations of reading. 

We focus on developing phonemic awareness, recognizing alphabet, connecting sounds/symbols relationship, recognizing and writing their name, understanding concepts of print, remembering more sight words, and learning good pencil grip. We will also provide explicit instruction on letter formation.

Your child is exposed to the way the English language works which helps to scaffold and to build their understanding of reading. Parents are coached in methods and techniques that will increase their child's skills with productive practice through games and activities. Reading Club is organized into six-week blocks. Many families elect to continue in Reading Club for consecutive sessions.

Read our class cancellation/withdrawal policy here.

Visit our scholarship page here.